Wednesday, November 28, 2007

MISS independent

Carly, Amanda, Melisa, and I went to see Kelly Clarkson last night at the new Cobb Energy! Kelly was only the second show in this venue and it was an excellent show. Annie Lennox was the first one, a few nights ago.
Kelly sang all of the old favorites (Breakaway, Since You've Been Gone, that one that Reba sang too - Because of You), and also lots of fun new ones. I didn't realize the controversy about Kelly and her new album, that she and Clive Davis had a public riff about her new songs, and when she did it her own way, they didn't sell as much as anticipated. But good for her - she's a great performer, and got this 32-year-old and fun friends up and DANCING tons.
The four of us saw these four girls down low (our seats were balcony, but middle-balcony at that), and they were so trendy looking. Tall boots, tight shirts, looking very cute. But we thought they MUST be someone, we didn't know who though.
This morning I checked, and there they were. Cute matching shirts - one had a K, one wore an E, one had LL and one had a Y - just on shirts. Very cute. Why didn't we think of that?!
So I need to plug into itunes now, and download her fun album My December. I loved it all! Plus dinner out with the girlfriends, and acting like you are 16 was just plain fun.

Wednesday, November 21, 2007

Beautiful beach wedding

The wedding was just perfect! It was cool, and seagulls flew above. It was breathtaking - two people in love, marrying on the beach. Elizabeth looked like a princess, and John and all of the groomsmen looked so handsome! The rehearsal dinner was so fun! It literally made me tear up when we were pulling into the nature preserve, being lit by candlelit Mason jars. Everything was gorgeous!
I love this picture - how the rehearsal is going on and Issa is oblivious, running around on the sand.

Issa did fantastic as a flower girl. She loved the attention, and was very well-behaved. Jacob and I danced the night away. It was so fun hanging out with Brent and Rachel, and all of our family. Mom and Dad watched all the babies so we could stay out late and enjoy!

And here we are - it's Thanksgiving! I feel like there are so many times that I just tear up and give thanks while I am watching Issa run around, or while I am nursing Mae. It is seriously amazing to think of the many blessings we have.
And so, for:

-a wonderful hard-working husband who was BORN to be a daddy
-two healthy and happy daughters who keep me smiling all day
- a house with anything we need inside of it
- family living in Atlanta that we can see whenever we want
- brothers and sisters who would do anything for us. Anything.
- two sets of parents who have been married for 25+ years and who demonstrate what it means to have a strong marriage
- two sweet dogs who love the girls (later post about how we now have Rosie, the stray!)
- two good jobs and the ability to work
- planning enough so that we are able to let me stay home two days a week with the girls

Saturday, November 17, 2007

Hilton Head wedding

We are in Hilton Head for Jacob's brother's wedding! John and Elizabeth are getting married this afternoon - 4:30 for a sunset wedding and pictures. Issa is the flower girl. It has been a fabulous vacation, with family and friends here. We're in an incredible 3 BR/3 BA condo right on the beach. More later...

Monday, October 15, 2007

My favorite... birthdays!

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Birthday fun

Last weekend we celebrated Nanny's birthday party at our house. Nanny was SO surprised. We had brunch - I made cheese grits and sausage casserole. Sally (jacob's Mom) brought cheese grits too!, a pork tenderloin, biscuits, cinnamon rolls, tons of good eats! Of course, the birthday cake was huge hit - Sally brought a beautiful cake that had "Happy Birthday Nanny" on it, and it was gorgeous! Nanny just loved her birthday. It was a beautiful day outside, and we set tables on the deck and then one in the kitchen. Everything was perfect!

This past weekend, we all watched the Auburn game at our house. It was a great game, and ended with an Auburn win.

Today I had a follow up appt with the ENT to discuss tubes again for Issa. Readers from the beginning of the blog will remember that Issa got tubes February of 2006, and one has fallen out - the other is making its way out. Issa has started another round of ear infections that will NOT go away.

Mae also had her well check today - that sweet girl is getting so big! Over 15 pounds, and so healthy. She had 2 shots and one immunization by mouth!

Both girls are happy and dreaming sweet dreams right now.

Friday, October 12, 2007

Going from freezing cold to warm

We had a blast singing and dancing to Mr. Michael last night! He sang and played the guitar at the Decatur Library last night. Issa had a ball.
It was FREEZING outside (performance was inside) - just walking to the library and to the car again and doing the Groundhog Day matters that I do EVERY night of my life made me so so so chilly.

But as I snuggled into bed last night, and jacob was already in there, the feeling of my calf as I covered up and touched his calf was indescribeable. How wonderful does it feel to be SO SO SO freezing cold, and then have warmth radiate? Not many feelings compare. I love Fall.

Friday, October 05, 2007

Sweet shishies

I get "shishies" from Deana at Friday Night Fish Fry - isn't that what you call your sister (shishy)? Issa went to Janie's HORSE birthday party, complete with pony rides. She had a blast. Mae continues to get bigger; she is ~4 1/2 months old now! I'm still nursing and I absolutely love it. It is an incredible bond, and a miracle to think that she is only getting food which I produce! Not to mention it continues to help burn calories. And pish-posh on the theory that "breastfed babies don't sleep through the night b/c they want to nurse more"... mine is evidence that you too, can have a nursing baby sleeping through the night.

This weekend is John (Jacob's brother) and Elizabeth's couples/tools & gadgets shower at Karen Johnson's. It will be fun to see all of the family!

Potty training is coming along with Issa. Nothing wrong with a little candy bribe (two fun fruits if she goes - and I cut them in half so it's really one :)

Issa started with a fever last Saturday/Sunday/Monday/Tuesday - another child at her daycare had a viral infection so I didn't really wonder what hers was. Two nights ago she was up every 2 hours or so screaming - a trip to the pediatrician confirmed an ear infection. Poor girl. Happy Friday night everyone!!!
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How thankful am I

that the 2 year old and 4 month old are asleep in their own beds by 730? And that they don't even peep until 7? Seriously - there's something to be said for Ferberizing.

Wednesday, October 03, 2007

Date night

Can I say that the most wonderful thing in the entire world is date night? We started lining up a sitter to come down and sit with the girls while they sleep (they are down at 7!) and we go out to eat, or to Starbucks, or to a movie. It is the most wonderful thing to look forward to Wednesday to have incredible conversation and connection with a sweet hubby...

Monday, October 01, 2007

I was going to go to the gym...

but I ended up indulging in a FEW Ghiradelli Caramel Turtle Brownies. Stupid brownies. They are the perfect mix of gooey brownie and cakey brownie. AND tonight I made Barefoot Contessa's Penne with Five Cheeses, which is made with an entire TWO cups of heavy cream. It's like you are just watching the points in your cholesterol increase just by stirring it up. But my is it sinful...
I wouldn't just have a pan of brownies sitting around, but I was going to take a friend dinner who just had a baby, but I couldn't get in touch with her. Therefore I ended up with a pan of brownies. I mean, why would you throw them away and waste them? I'm not one to waste. :)
What a nice weekend together; we had a great time. Poor Issa had a fever/viral thing going on Sunday and today, but she seems to be perking up.

Tuesday, September 11, 2007

weekend fun

We had a great weekend at the lake with Tom and Carly! The girls were angels all weekend. Jacob and I left around 4, and Carly and Tom were close behind us out of town. We met up in auburn (had to stop and feed Mae), and got there around 7. Friday night we did steamed shrimp, raw veggies to dip, easy stuff. Saturday the guys left for the Auburn game around 2ish. Carly's bday party was Saturday complete with an Issa-decorated "bayday cake".

The guys left around 2 for Auburn for the game and us girls stayed and got our groove on. Issa threw countless rocks and pinecones in the lake, Mae slept, and we all danced to Fergie's Big Girls Don't Cry. How can you NOT like that song? It's so danceable!

Saturday when the girls went down Carly made some drink: skip and go naked or something to that effect. A bit of vodka, lemonade, and BEER! It was tasty and we watched HSM2. Adorable! I haven't seen the first one!
What a fun weekend with fun friends. We can't wait for the next one!
And check out these adorable numbers. They have a wide leg and are so deep blue! They are long long long, and I can't wait to break them in at Poker Night 9/21 at Amanda and Mike's. Is that nervy to wear my Poker winnings to their house??? Heehee-

Monday, September 03, 2007

Loving two

I walk along holding your 2-year-old hand, basking in the glow of our magical relationship. Suddenly I feel a kick from within, as if to remind me that our time alone is limited. And I wonder: how could I ever love another child as I love you?

Then she is born, and I watch you. I watch the pain you feel at having to share me as you’ve never shared me before. I hear you telling me in your own way, “Please love only me."

And I hear myself telling you in mine, “I can’t," knowing in fact, that I never can again.
You cry. I cry with you.
I almost see our new baby as an intruder on the precious relationship we once shared.
A relationship we can never quite have again. But then, barely noticing, I find myself attached to that new being, and feeling almost guilty. I’m afraid to let you see me enjoying her — as though I am betraying you.

But then I notice your resentment change, first to curiosity, then to protectiveness, finally to genuine affection. More days pass, and we are settling into a new routine. The memory of days with just the two of us is fading fast.But something else is replacing those wonderful times we shared, just we two. There are new times – only now, we are three.

I watch the love between you grow, the way you look at each other, touch each other.I watch how she adores you — as I have for so long. I see how excited you are by each of her new accomplishments. And I begin to realize that I haven’t taken something from you, I’ve given something to you. I notice that I am no longer afraid to share my love openly with both of you. I find that my love for each of you is as different as you are, but equally strong. And my question is finally answered, to my amazement.
Yes, I can love another child as much as I love you — only differently. And although I realize that you may have to share my time, I now know you’ll never share my love. There’s enough of that for both of you – you each have your own supply.
I love you — both. And I thank you both for blessing my life.
— Author Unknown

Thank you, Angelle, for sharing on your blog! This writing truly sums up so much of my thinking during these last months with my now *2* girls...

Wednesday, August 29, 2007

Guess who took it all?

First place at Poker night? Yours truly.
Poker was at MY house last Friday night. We were so late in planning that I was writing a grocery list at 10 PM on Thursday night. We had three kinds of Bobolis (a white - olive oil, onions, kalamatas, SD tomatoes, artichoke hearts, a sausage/veggie, and pepperoni/veggie), a big Greek salad, and homemade Chipwiches for dessert (well I guess Sandra Lee would call them Semi-Homemade).
Luckily the house was clean, and I had off friday from work.
After battling for several hours and rocking out to my POP music on Itunes (sorry gang), I WON.
After donating part of the $140 in the offering plate (it *is* just an innocent group of friends, though?!), I am going to indulge in a GREAT pair of designer jeans. Like these. Or these.
We had a great time with fun friends; we've been having fun with this crowd for over a year now!
Saturday morning made for an early 6 AM wake up call, but at least Mae is sleeping through the night. Poker night is so much easier when you can sleep in...
Saturday we took it easy. Sunday was church and Jacob's Mom's birthday party here. I let Issa totally decorate the cake; it was precious. Sugar galore. Strawberry cake with strawberry icing, cut into square-layers, and Issa shook all kinds of sugar sprinkles on the top. Just looking at it gave you high blood sugar.
My Mom bought Issa a princess flashlight. I have a flashlight that she loves to play with, but I'm always saying, "turn it off; it'll waste the batteries"... well Mom got her her OWN flashlight and her OWN battery supply. The flashlight has all the Disney princesses on it and is pink. Issa loves it!
And work is going great. This weekend, which starts tomorrow night, thank you very much, we are going to the lake! Brent and Rachel (bro and sis-in-law) and Katelyn will be there and I believe we're going to the AU game. Sunday we're celebrating Dad's birthday.
It'll be a fun weekend.
So please vote on my jeans. Have a great Labor Day!

Tuesday, August 14, 2007

From the mouth of Issa

I told Issa last night as she was getting in the bed that we'd put on white sheets tomorrow.
There was a pink set on the bed.
This AM, she was trotting across the room to walk out and start the day. She passed the sheets, looked down, and said, "Thank you for white sheets, Mommy".

I hope I never ever forget how she looks when she slinks down out of her big-girl bed, all sleepy-eyed and smelling like soap and baby lotion. She walks kind of sleepy, with her curls all in her face... I hope I never forget.

Wednesday, August 08, 2007

Cry it out girlfriend

Scenario: Tuesday night, 6:30 PM.
Me running around, sending Issa on errands - "Put this on the stairs please", "Can you put those back in your toy basket?". Issa running around, diligently following commands. Mae up in her crib, poor child crying it out until she eats again (7:30 PM, when she goes down for the night).
Every time that Issa trots past the stairs with a toy or item to put away, she puts her palm to the side of her face, calling upstairs, "Okay Mae! I coming!"
Girlfriend is NOT going to let her own poor child cry it out. No. not. ever.

Tuesday, August 07, 2007

Saturday, August 04, 2007

Summer's Over

Last weekend we went to my brother and sister-in-law's house to move them into their new house! It's gorgeous and we had such a great time hanging with them. Issa, mae, and katelyn are sure cute. Here's a shot of the two babes-
You remember my woes re: my job last year? No office, no computer, no materials? Well training in my new county has started and I have all of the above already! And the computer is a brand spankin' new IBM thinkpad. It's all surreal.
I am so excited about working 3 days a week I can't stand it. To have off 2 days with my girls and still keep my feet in the water with speech is incredibly exciting.

The whole family went to my learning cottage (a.k.a. a "trailer") today to move in lots of stuff. Issa loves playing in my therapy toys: there is LOTS for early language delay, which means 2-3 year old toys!

So although summer IS over, I am so excited I can't stand it. I worked hard for the past two years (full time - even when Issa was 11 weeks old!) so I can enjoy the fruits of my labor now.

Tuesday, July 31, 2007


I'm tagged by Angelle:

Places I've worked
1-Embry Hills Swim and Tennis Club as a lifeguard
2-Auburn University Bookstore
3-The Black Eyed Pea
4- A telemarketer selling magazines
Movies I can watch over and over
1-Napoleon Dynamyte
2-Anchorman: The Legend of Ron Burgundy
3-Old School
4-The Parent Trap (either version)
Places I've lived
1-Birmingham, AL
2-Charlotte, NC
3- Athens, GA
4-Auburn, AL

Favorite tv shows
1-So You Think You Can Dance
2-The Office
3-America's Got Talent (how cheesy!?)
4-American Idol
Places I've been

What I ate today
1- Peanut Butter Toast
2- An Asian Chicken Salad from McD's
3- Enchilada's that I cooked (I can email you a great recipe!)
4- Pinot Grigio
Places I'd rather be
1-Sitting on a beach
2-At my parent's lakehouse
3- Snuggling with my girls (but they are sleeping right now so I'll take that...)
4- On a plane with my hubby going anywhere!
You are tagged: do my quiz and leave me a comment if you participate-

Friday, July 27, 2007

Happy Anniversary

Five years ago, we were:
  • -getting ready to get married
  • -anxiously awaiting to celebrate with friends
  • -young and clueless about the responsibilities that marriage brings
  • -without children

We work well together. Jacob is calm and patient, where I am emotional and loud. We balance responsibilities. We parent well together, I think. We both have the same outlook for the future.

Thank you for the best five years of my life, Jacob. Here's to many more!

Friday, July 20, 2007

Our two girls-

I finally got a couple of great pictures of Issa in her heirloom Easter dress and bonnet that her Bibi made her! Issa just got some Princess chapstick. She had it around in her purse, toting it all over (I thought it was clear). The other day we were in the car, and it was awfully quiet in the backseat... I turned around and she had RED chapstick all over her lips!
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Sunday, July 15, 2007

Friday, July 13, 2007

Beach Babe

Issa loved the ocean; LOVED it. We had such a nice vacation. Jacob's parents rented an incredible condo with a gorgeous view of the ocean, and a kiddie-friendly pool/playground within walking distance! Mornings we were at the pool and afternoons were spent at the ocean. She ran and jumped and dug and played her little heart out. JULIE and KYLE got engaged while there, and Jacob's brother JOHN and his girlfriend ELIZABETH also got engaged before we left! There will be lots of wedding fun this year! It is nice to be home, but we both agreed we're ready for another week vacation at the beach! Greer and I got together to celebrate my birthday last night. We went to the cutest Mexican restaurant in Decatur and talked, talked, talked over margaritas. SO fun. Jacob has been in Orlando for work. Orlando. Sunny Orlando. :) He got home late last night so we're glad to have him back! And by the way there is the most GORGEOUS arrangement of pink and purple flowers - I wish I knew more about what they are but the arrangement is stunning. That and a Spa Sydell certificate! Sweet huz-

Monday, July 02, 2007

Hilton Head bound

We are heading out for a week at the beach with Jacob's family! We found out that Jacob's brother Justin is flying in; he's been out on the ship (in the Navy).

Today we enjoyed an afternoon at the Georgia Aquarium, followed by Naked Dogs at the Varsity. YUMMMMMMMMM. Every gal needs a Varsity cap!

Have a great week!

Saturday, June 30, 2007

Things I can do while breastfeeding Mae

1. Enter a new blog entry
2. Read People magazine
3. Make my cup of coffee
4. Make Issa's breakfast
5. Write thank you notes
6. Pick up stray items off the floor with my toes
7. Get Issa IN and OUT of her highchair

Yeah, go ahead and picture it. You've got the visual. Heh heh.

Wednesday, June 27, 2007

Lake Fun!

We had such a ball at the lakehouse for Father's Day weekend. We spent lots of time with my brother, Brent, my sis-in-law, Rachel, and their new baby (8 weeks), Katelyn! This is Bibi (my Mom), Issa, Mae, and Katelyn!

Splish Splash

Issa LOVES to help with Mae. Mostly she ignores her sister, which is just fine, but whenever it's bathtime, she wants to take a bath too, and help with washing Mae. Girls are just fun!!!

Friday, June 22, 2007


I love my Aunt Juju! We had fun playing in the outside pool and visiting with "juju" and "ky" last weekend; Julie's in school this summer at Auburn and she is so so sweet! Love you Juju - come back soon!

Thursday, June 07, 2007

dear hubby home soon

Jacob has been out of town since Monday morning at 6 AM. He's been in DC all week, in these intense meetings all day and then doing work stuff during the evenings. He flies in tonight at 10, and it's been a long week. YIPPEE!

sweet girls in curls

We had Carly and Tom over for a night of pizza and gametime on Saturday night... it reminded us of the days before kids, except in *those* days we may have played Sequence and Triominoes until 3AM and had many more beers (staying at the house of course and not driving anywhere...). We had the best time, and Issa LOVES her "Tah-y" and "Tom". Let's do it again soon!

Tuesday, June 05, 2007

Sunday, June 03, 2007

Tuesday, May 29, 2007

Welcome Ella Mae!

Ella Mae is here and we are home. Exhausted but home. And glad to be home to Issa's warm hugs and kisses and our own sheets and fluffy pillows.
Ella Mae was 7 pounds 12 ounces, and was 20 inches long. She has the longest most dainty fingers, and the sweetest fullest lips. Her eyes are big and blue, and she has a headful of dark hair. What a blessing she is. Jacob has been home, and it's been nice to enjoy time together as a family of four!
Thanks, blogger, for conveniently allowing me to post a new picture of my daughter. :)
Pix later...

Saturday, May 19, 2007

Countdown is on-

So today is May 19. I check in to Piedmont on May 23 at 6:30 AM and the C-section is scheduled for 8:30 AM. It's amazing to think that she'll be here in 4 days. :-0

Her nursery is ready - complete with clean everything and a full diaper changing table. Her little Moses basket is next to our bed, ready to go! We have decided on Ella Mae Allbritton. We'll call her Mae. I would have put Mae first (mae ella) but I love the way Ella Mae sounds. So Mae it is! I actually saw the name first from my friend and old neighbor in Charlotte, Amanda. Her friend's baby girl is Mae, and the name stuck with me. I love it!
Last night was Poker Night - at Carly's. We turned it into Jacob's surprise 30th birthday party. It was a huge sucess. He had NO idea and there was a nice crowd to "surprise" him and spray him with silly string. It was great! We had the usual poker crew, and also two of Jacob's friends form high school and their wives. Carrot cupcakes with cream cheese icing (homemade, thank you very much), a Bruster's birthday cake (yellow cake, fudge filling, choco chip cookie dough ice cream), and BBQ from Old South. It was a great night! We left at midnight b/c Jake's Mom and sis were at home with Issa and were driving back to Cumming. BUT GUESS WHO WAS IN FIRST PLACE AT POKER? Me! I had tons. It was a fun night. They counted chips and decided that since I had 1/3 of all of the chips, they gave me 1/3 of the winnings. I had a lucky night - great hands.
Today we had a great day together. We have gotten lots of baby stuff in order. We had a tea party outside with water :) and Issa played for hours in her sandbox.
I'll check in after baby Mae arrives!

Thursday, May 10, 2007

Two years old

May 10, 2007
Dear Issa,

Tomorrow you turn 2 years old. Two. I really can’t believe that the tiny baby that was on that changing table in Charlotte, North Carolina is now two. Walking and jabbering and talking and chatting and singing and pretending and hugging and loving.
I love you so much.
Sometimes I pick you up and smell the top of your sweet-smelling hair, and I can’t understand how you are this perfect. I close my eyes and try to just live in.that.moment… holding you and smelling your sweet hair. It won’t be forever that you let me cuddle with you.

You continue to look so much like your Daddy, but several people have commented that they think you are looking like me.
Your hair has started to turn from a darker brown to a lighter brown. And the curls… they continue to grow longer.

You love to sing. You will sing Old MacDonald, or Twinkle Twinkle, and I close my eyes and hope hope hope that I will never forget that sweet voice. Your little voice is like an angel-sound. But you don’t like to think that someone’s listening to you. If you think you could be on the stage, you quickly cross your arms and pout, “no”.

You are starting to demonstrate your independence. Although I don’t particularly like it when you tell me, “no” (and I tell you how I don’t like it), I secretly am happy that you are asserting your independence. You are strong-willed, and let your wants known.

And my, you are talking. I love to hear, “ussat, Mommy?” or “I do it self” (I do it by myself”, or “what daddy doing?” You are speaking in 5-6 word sentences most of the time, and your vocabulary is vast!

You love to eat pasta, and pizza, and anything Italian. High-flavor foods are a favorite.

Issa, Mommy is always here for you. I will be here this year and next year and forever. You could not do anything in the whole wide world that would make me love you any less.

I love you, sweet Issa-belle, my baby girl. You are my everything. Thank you for the best two years of my entire life.

Love, Mommy

Friday, April 27, 2007

How I met the huz

This post came about after reading Rollie's blog. I love reading hers - most days I get a good laugh, or some kind of emotion!
So I thought I would share the story of how Jacob and I met...
Jacob is two years younger than me - he's actually 2 weeks younger than my little brother. :) He and my little brother Brent lived together at Auburn University while attending college. I was at UGA but always knew Jacob. He and Brent were best friends, and did lots together on the weekends too. But I was always dating other guys, and knew him as "my little brother's" friend.
So I graduated UGA and taught for a year in DeKalb County Schools, and then was accepted to Auburn for graduate school. My first year at Auburn was Jacob's first year OUT of school. But Brent (following in his sister's footsteps) didn't finish college in the typical "four years".
So Jacob would come to visit Brent at school a good bit. And I was dating the "wrong" guy - the whole fam-damily didn't like him and looking back he wasn't right for me.
Jacob started hinting and asking me out - etc - but I was with that guy, and it wasn't the right timing.
The times changed though, and I broke up with the kid (and I say "kid" because he was). Jacob asked me out the following weekend.
Let me tell you: it was REALLY strange dating at first. But we really really really "clicked" at first, too. We had tons to talk about, and we had so much in common. Dating and hanging out was so exciting, and just comfortable. Jacob even ran it by Brent (I guess he kind of asked him?) to see if us dating was okay. And it was. Deep down I know that Brent knew that Jacob was a great guy - that's why they are still as good of friends as they are.
2+ years later, we got engaged. I can't imagine being happier. The stress of working, and bills, and just living is great, but I think we do a pretty good job together. We just work. And I can fully say that we'll be just as happy when our two girlies are getting married. He is a great friend, and a thoughtful husband. Family get-togethers are always truly fun. Brent is 30 on 5/11, and Jacob is 30 on 5/23, the same day as my C-section! Happy early Birthday, my favorite men!

Thursday, April 19, 2007

Fun Easter

What a fun Easter we had. It was a beautiful, but cold, day. We enjoyed the Easter fun in the morning with Issa, then headed to church for a beautiful service. Then we came home for a big lunch with both grandparents at our house. I didn't even cook much at all - everyone brought so much food! Issa had a ball.

The lake was beautiful. It was cool and quiet, just the three of us. It was nice not having anything to do!

We are headed to Birmingham tomorrow to welcome our first neice into the world! My brother and his wife will have their baby girl tomorrow. Katelyn Lane... how sweet!

Issa stays here, and her Nanna and Big are going to pick her up at Miss Leah's house, and will keep her here until we come back tomorrow night.

Our dog Cassie has begun peeing either Issa's room or the soon-to-be nursery (should be read "empty room that finally has color in it but no furniture") when we are paying attention to Issa! It's terrible. After LOTS of testing at the vet, it's NOT an illness (UTI, thyroid probs, etc), and it's behavioral. The vet recommended behavioral therapy. I am having a hard time trying to convince Jacob that it's a good idea... :)

Happy weekend!

Wednesday, March 28, 2007

Fun in the Sun!

What beautiful weather it is! Issa and I are are loving these wonderfully sunny days where we can enjoy outside-time right when we get home!

She loves to go down slides... I guess what kid doesn't though. She is 22 months now. It's amazing to watch her "wheels turning" and to see her problem solving. My C-section is scheduled! It's 5/25 at noon. Nice and predictable, just like I like it...

This past weekend Jacob was out of town, so it was just Issa and me. We got to meet up with Greer and Kevin, and also got to see Kathy and have a playdate with Whit. Whit is a couple of months younger than Issa; they have a blast! It was summer-like weather outside.

Monday night Kathy and Greer and I went to Noche' in Virginia Highlands for a girls' dinner. It is a tapas place, and so tasty. We had a great time catching up too.

This weekend starts my Spring Break - YAHOO! I think the three of us are going to the lake for a day or two next week. I can't believe Jacob's corporate company doesn't give them Spring Break (heehee).

Tuesday, March 20, 2007

Passing of a dear man

My Grandad died this weekend. He was a *dear* soul, and lived an incredible life. He cared for his wife, of 62 years, for about 8 years of Alzheimer's before she passed away in 2003. He volunteered weekly at his church to help at the Alzheimer's group by helping the men to the restrooms. He loved music, and loved going to gospel singings in the country. He courageously battled cancer of the lung, kidney, and liver for about a year before he passed away. I'll never forget spending weeks with he and my Meme at the lakehouse during the summers. They were an integral part of our lives growing up...

Although he would have been 90 this Christmas, and I know that he had an incredible life, it still saddens me to no end to know I'll never hold his hand again, or hear his sweet voice tell fun stories from when he was young.

Tuesday, March 13, 2007

Spring fun

We have had a fun past couple of weeks!

Poker Night was a huge success. We had a blast. I did BBQ: got it from Hickory House, and then made coleslaw and baked beans (a homemade recipe with ground beef and bell pepper - so good!). I also made peanut butter cupcakes and coconut cupcakes. The latter is Barefoot Contessa's recipe (yes; it's not a typo - there are a total of six sticks of butter. They are heavenly!). And DH gave me an incredible mixer for my 30th bday, so I love cooking with it. We played poker late into the night, and JACOB won! It was so fun. I think he ended up with over $100!

Saturday morning after Poker Night I went to Charlotte with Issa to hang with Bridget and Thomas. T-man is about 8 months, and Issa LOVES him. She calls him Momas. We shopped, and had girl time. It was so fun. We consignment-shopped, and cooked, and had a blast.

Last weekend: enjoyed Sunday with Sally and Rick, and loved this warm weather! Issa is loving the sun. She took a spill out of the wagon the other day.

I resigned from DeKalb County. I know, I know. It's hard to leave the "back-o-the-library", with no computer, but Gwinnett County woo'd me with my OWN OFFICE, my OWN COMPUTER, my OWN DESKTOP FOR KIDS' USE, and a salary position (hello 401K!) working three days a week! I can't wait to be home two days a week with the girls, and still keep a balance while working three. I am excited.

I'm counting down to 5/25 when I'm due. We still don't know names. This pregnancy is a bit more laid-back for me... :)

This weekend we are going to Birmingham for the A-day game and also for a baby shower for my sis-in-law, Rachel. It's her and my bro's first child - a girl! She's due 4 weeks ahead of me.


Tuesday, February 27, 2007

Quick update

I'm having to take a 1/2 day off work today - sinus junk. I've had it for a week, and I think I will have to give in to an antibiotic. I hate taking those. OB stresses it's okay with the baby though.

Issa is in her big-girl bed! I will have to post pix when I get a sec (heh-heh), but she's doing fine. The problem is naptime - she gets out and can't get back in... thoughts?

We are hosting Poker Night at our house on Friday night, which will be a very late night for this PG girl... we've been so busy getting the house together for the shin-dig.

We had a handyman come over yesterday afternoon to switch out a chandelier. After hearing him in there, I heard a crash, and he said, "didn't do it"...

Nice morals there, guy. I went in, and looked ticked. He said, "this thing is cheap - the piece broke but I've got a part that will fix it" (#1 - it's not a cheap chandelier, #2 - first you say, "not my fault", but then say "it's cheap - that's why it broke - which is it?)

So anyway he finishes and gets the rock out of here. I won't be calling him again. His rate was incredibly cheap, which suited me fine. He had no pragmatic skills though.

Sunday, February 04, 2007

Salt Lake City 2007

Sorry I haven't posted about our trip!
It was incredible. I was so sad to leave my Issa, but she was so excited to see her Nana, that it was all fine. Sally and Issa and I headed to Marta on Thursday afternoon.
I rode Marta to Jake's office and met him inside the Marta station.
We rode to Airport and flew out - got there around 8 SLC time. We had a blast! Saw so many movies, Jake did tons of skiing, it was incredible. We ate great food with lots of fun friends. The last night, we ate at the cutest bistro with 15 in our party! It was so fun.
So: getting home... with the rest of the Sundance crowd...
Our flight was to leave at 10 AM.
We left Tom’s house at 835ish?
Got there around 9. Awful. After 30 minutes to check in and 40 for security, we missed the plane by 1 minute. Literally. It was awful. I was so hormonal and crying – BOOHOOING – b/c I wanted to get home so bad to see Iss.
Even the red-eye that left at 11:45 PM. So we tried standby for the 11:50 AM flight – and were bumped to #42 on the standby list b/c of Medallion members and first class members. So I cried more. And even more. Jake sent me to the bathroom b/c I was making a scene. He finally calls Delta and is like, “Get me to “Bham, Knoxville – any southern city” – b/c the next flight available to ATL was at 6AM on Monday morning. And I’d have to call in SICK AGAIN on Monday. Not good. So she says there’s a flight from SLC to Omaha (ever been there?) to Atlanta to Bham – “wait – where’s your final destination?” We were like- “book it.” We wouldn’t get back on the one to Bham and be okay. So after all day of terrible-ness, we finally get home at TEN pm.
I missed seeing Issa, and literally had to jump in running to the work week. It was crazy. No time to do laundry or anything, and I was playing catch-up every day this week.
This past weekend was nice too - just a relaxing one to enjoy together. I had a friend in town from Charlotte, who has an almost-two-year-old. He and Issa had a ball playing together!
Have a great week; pictures later,

Wednesday, January 24, 2007

Hello, Sundance!

That's sweetness with her uncle Brent...
Jacob and I fly out tomorrow night at 6:10 PM for Salt Lake City. Woohoo!
A big group of friends is going skiing, but Carly and I will be taking in the movies. She's not PG, but she doesn't like to ski. Tom, her husband,'s family lives out there. We'll stay with them. So hopefully we'll see some stars! Speaking of, I don't think I ever relayed the story of my meeting Brooke Shields, did I?
So in November, my brother, sis-in-law, and husband went to SLC for skiing and fun. I'm in line at the airport cute boutique for kids' toys (read: last-minute presents marked up by 50%) to buy an Ernie stuffed toy for sweet girl. This lady in front of me looks like Brooke, but then she took off her movie-star sunglasses and I didn't think it was her.
So she has this roller-type suitcase, with a huge bag propped up on top of it. She's paying for an adorable princess toy - my guess is it's for Rowan :)
Anyway, she pays, and when she gets her wallet, the bag starts to topple. I grab it to stop it from falling.
B: Oh, thanks!
M: Sure! Has anyone ever told you that you look like Brooke Shields?
B: Uh, well, I guess!??...

So she goes on paying and the cashier asks if she's been skiing, and she says, "no - I've been working outside, that's why I have this cold".
So then she turns to leave, and she looks at me and says, "I didn't know quite how to say this, but I am Brooke Shields.
I'm all, "no way! I hope you feel better!"

It was so fun. She is really very nice and seems very down-to-earth. Although she had on those adorable light pink Uggs (I know - love 'em or hate 'em - but in Utah with the weather I think they are quite cute) and she sure pulled them off.

Anyway, it was so fun.
I digress.
Back to this trip...
Jacob and I fly out tomorrow night. Carly and I are taking in lots of movies and shopping lots!
Sally (MIL) is coming here tomorrow to pick up little girl. How much will I miss her????

Happy Sundance!

Here's Issy with her Uncle Brent (my bro)-

Jacob and I fly out tomorrow at 6:10 PM for Salt Lake City. There is a large group going skiing, but Carly and I will be movie-watching and hob-nobbing with the stars. Hopefully we'll see some! Speaking of, I don't think that I ever told the story of how I got to meet Brooke Shields at the SLC airport in November when we went out to go skiing with Brent and Rachel (bro and sis-in-law).
So I'm in line with a toy Ernie at this adorable little gift shop in the airport. This lady in front of me looks JUST LIKE Brooke Shields but I think, "no way". She took off her movie-star sunglasses for a sec, but it didn't look like her.
So she has a roller-suitcase and then a great big bag that's propped up on the suitcase.
She's paying for an adorable princess-costume, and when she gets out her wallet, the bag starts to fall. I, behind her in line, go to grab it before it topples out.
So she looks at me (with huge sunglasses on):
B: "Thank you so much!"
M: "Has anyone told you that you look JUST LIKE Brooke Shields?"
B: "Well, kind of I guess??..."

She goes on to pay, and the cashier says, "been skiing?" She says, "no - working outside - that's how I got this cold". So she turns around on her way out tp face me.
B: "I didn't quite know how to say this, but I *am* Brooke Shields."
M: "No way! (I really and truly said that - ???) I hope you feel better!"

It was so fun.
I digress.
Jacob and I are flying out to SLC tomorrow - the guys and most of the girls are all skiing. Carly and I are watching like 8 movies, and shopping shopping shopping! And coffee-drinking and reading books, MMMmm. What a fun trip.
Sally (MIL) is meeting me here at 315 to pick up little miss. I'll miss her like crazy... :)
Have a great weekend!

Sunday, January 21, 2007

You're the 1 that I want

What an adorable show?!! Is anyone else into this show as much as I am? Even Jake was glued to the TV. I love Broadway, and so watching all of these hopefuls sing and dance their hearts out? Heaven. Jacob swore he would NOT watch it if it started ANY type of drama - like between contestants. He tried to make a pact with me that we could watch it until drama started. NO WAY! That's the good part! And plus, I didn't see any sweet hub trying to steal the remote the WHOLE SHOW. He's hilarious - American Idol, Grease, etc (these types of shows) - he "pretends" not to watch them, but who saddles up to the sofa with me? He's not late... here's to fun TV. Off to read Last Chance Saloon, a highly recommended "beach read".

Friday, January 19, 2007

Poker Night tonight at Melissa's!
We're excited to have a fun Friday night out - and the rest of the weekend we have no real plans.
We had a good week; Issa came down with a cold yesterday which is no biggie.
My trailer for work was finally ready this week, but are you ready? The trailer doesn't have internet access, so I was supposed to work with kids in the trailer, and then come back to the library for paperwork.
Nice support there...
I said "thanks but no thanks" to the trailer, and decided to keep my office as the library.
And got on the horn when I got home looking at other county's options for working three days a week next year when I have the two littles!
I think I have a good prospect for next year, too - and the school's pretty close. Three days would be a good balance, I think...

Monday, January 15, 2007


Carly hosted a girls' night "in" at her new house. She and Tom recently bought a house and have a renter for their condo. The two locations aren't far from each other. So it usually takes me about 20 minutes to get from where I live in ATL to where she lives in ATL. I left at 7, after I helped get Issa down for the night. TWO AND A HALF HOURS LATER, I arrived at her house - 9:30! I am not kidding when I tell you that I was digging all through the hub's car looking for any snack I could find - peanuts/crackers - but there was nothing. I averaged 4 miles an hour for an approximate 13 mile trek.
Come to find out, some fugitive was shot on I-285, which is the highway that circles Atlanta. Scary stuff. So I finally get there with my Fre' chardonnay (not bad, I might add, and very festive!), and sat down to an incredible meal of baked Ziti and salad and bread. It was so fun. It only took me 20 minutes to get home. That's Atlanta traffic for ya! Have a great week, guys!

Wednesday, January 10, 2007


Well, I have posted four othr rather incredible blogs (if I do say so myself), and they are in the internet stratosphere somewhere... :)
We have had a great couple of weeks. Issa is back to her old spunky self. I'm posting what may be my favorite shot of her of ALL TIME. Check out those tootsie toes!
We had Jacob's work party - a Mexican Fiesta. Food and company were great. I've met so many friends through his work.
I'm back into work, as well. We had a bit of a scare with test results with my pregnancy. I had an amnio to confirm, and everything's fine. Whew! We know for SURE it's a girl!

At the current moment, I'm watching Tinky Winky dance around in his (he is a boy, isn't he) pink tutu, similar to Issa's. And they were trying to question his preferences... Happy New Year, blogosphere! And if you've started a fun blog of your own, leave the address in my comments!


Stinking blogger has not let me post FOUR of my last posts. This is a test...