Wednesday, August 08, 2007

Cry it out girlfriend

Scenario: Tuesday night, 6:30 PM.
Me running around, sending Issa on errands - "Put this on the stairs please", "Can you put those back in your toy basket?". Issa running around, diligently following commands. Mae up in her crib, poor child crying it out until she eats again (7:30 PM, when she goes down for the night).
Every time that Issa trots past the stairs with a toy or item to put away, she puts her palm to the side of her face, calling upstairs, "Okay Mae! I coming!"
Girlfriend is NOT going to let her own poor child cry it out. No. not. ever.


Mary said...

I love it! Issa is already looking out for baby sis! I miss you guys. Give them a squeeze for me!

Kelly in NC said...

Enjoy the sisterly love while you can. The bickering will begin soon enough!