Wednesday, January 10, 2007


Well, I have posted four othr rather incredible blogs (if I do say so myself), and they are in the internet stratosphere somewhere... :)
We have had a great couple of weeks. Issa is back to her old spunky self. I'm posting what may be my favorite shot of her of ALL TIME. Check out those tootsie toes!
We had Jacob's work party - a Mexican Fiesta. Food and company were great. I've met so many friends through his work.
I'm back into work, as well. We had a bit of a scare with test results with my pregnancy. I had an amnio to confirm, and everything's fine. Whew! We know for SURE it's a girl!

At the current moment, I'm watching Tinky Winky dance around in his (he is a boy, isn't he) pink tutu, similar to Issa's. And they were trying to question his preferences... Happy New Year, blogosphere! And if you've started a fun blog of your own, leave the address in my comments!


Anonymous said...

That is such a sweet shot of your daughter. I love her little outfit. So glad to hear she is feeling better.

PS- I miss the Tinky Winky and the others. I used to watch them with my oldest nephew many moons ago. They are my favorite little kids show. (I think La-La was my fave TT)

Speaking from the Heart said...

I am glad Issa is feeling better and your pregnancy is going well. It's all in God's plan.

Katherine loved Telle-tubbies when she was younger. She had all four of them, and they all talked.When she got older, we donated them to Goodwill. La La was also her favorite. As Jeff was stuffing La-La into a bag, it's voice came on and said "bye-bye".

The Hiatt Family said...

Yeah! So fun to hear you're having another girl! Oh, your house is under contract! I haven't met them yet, though. They'll never be able to compete with y'all! I'll keep you posted.

Anonymous said...

Wow! You have really started to get some traffic on your blog! How'd ya do it??? Glad to hear that the pregnancy is fine. Another girl! Good. There isn't anything like having a sister. Issa will be lucky!