Tuesday, August 14, 2007

From the mouth of Issa

I told Issa last night as she was getting in the bed that we'd put on white sheets tomorrow.
There was a pink set on the bed.
This AM, she was trotting across the room to walk out and start the day. She passed the sheets, looked down, and said, "Thank you for white sheets, Mommy".

I hope I never ever forget how she looks when she slinks down out of her big-girl bed, all sleepy-eyed and smelling like soap and baby lotion. She walks kind of sleepy, with her curls all in her face... I hope I never forget.


NaeNae said...

I too feel the same way about my girls. My husband and I were just talking today about my youngest. She continuously calls my name. "Mommy, Mommy, Mommy." She keeps calling me until I respond. We were just saying that we didn't want to forget this about her.

Anonymous said...

You'll never forget. What a sweet image... I am so happy for you getting to work just 3 days a week. I know that has to be such a plus for you and the girls. You've gotta love that time with them!

The pictures are all wonderful!

rachel said...

Such a sweet moment. I just posted about something similar with Katelyn. It's hard to imagine them as independent young adults!
BTW I did the feet picture in picasa. I used my camera-nothing special.

Kelly in NC said...

Aren't there so many memories that we hope to never forget? Isn't that one of the reasons we blog?? Or at least I do. Tonight as I was tossing Grayson into the air, I secretly hoped that I would never forget the sound of his laughter or the feel of his little baby hand as it grasped my hand with each toss. At some point, a pensive (like in Harry Potter) must be invented so I can not only remember those moments, but remember exactly how I felt in that moment. Those exact feelings are what I worry about losing. They just pass to quickly!