Monday, January 15, 2007


Carly hosted a girls' night "in" at her new house. She and Tom recently bought a house and have a renter for their condo. The two locations aren't far from each other. So it usually takes me about 20 minutes to get from where I live in ATL to where she lives in ATL. I left at 7, after I helped get Issa down for the night. TWO AND A HALF HOURS LATER, I arrived at her house - 9:30! I am not kidding when I tell you that I was digging all through the hub's car looking for any snack I could find - peanuts/crackers - but there was nothing. I averaged 4 miles an hour for an approximate 13 mile trek.
Come to find out, some fugitive was shot on I-285, which is the highway that circles Atlanta. Scary stuff. So I finally get there with my Fre' chardonnay (not bad, I might add, and very festive!), and sat down to an incredible meal of baked Ziti and salad and bread. It was so fun. It only took me 20 minutes to get home. That's Atlanta traffic for ya! Have a great week, guys!


Anonymous said...

I hate traffic like that! (and what a scary reason for it.) Sounds like the perfect night after that!

Anonymous said...

I guess you must have been stuck on the interstate with no ability to get off!!! Torture!!!