Monday, October 15, 2007

My favorite... birthdays!

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Birthday fun

Last weekend we celebrated Nanny's birthday party at our house. Nanny was SO surprised. We had brunch - I made cheese grits and sausage casserole. Sally (jacob's Mom) brought cheese grits too!, a pork tenderloin, biscuits, cinnamon rolls, tons of good eats! Of course, the birthday cake was huge hit - Sally brought a beautiful cake that had "Happy Birthday Nanny" on it, and it was gorgeous! Nanny just loved her birthday. It was a beautiful day outside, and we set tables on the deck and then one in the kitchen. Everything was perfect!

This past weekend, we all watched the Auburn game at our house. It was a great game, and ended with an Auburn win.

Today I had a follow up appt with the ENT to discuss tubes again for Issa. Readers from the beginning of the blog will remember that Issa got tubes February of 2006, and one has fallen out - the other is making its way out. Issa has started another round of ear infections that will NOT go away.

Mae also had her well check today - that sweet girl is getting so big! Over 15 pounds, and so healthy. She had 2 shots and one immunization by mouth!

Both girls are happy and dreaming sweet dreams right now.

Friday, October 12, 2007

Going from freezing cold to warm

We had a blast singing and dancing to Mr. Michael last night! He sang and played the guitar at the Decatur Library last night. Issa had a ball.
It was FREEZING outside (performance was inside) - just walking to the library and to the car again and doing the Groundhog Day matters that I do EVERY night of my life made me so so so chilly.

But as I snuggled into bed last night, and jacob was already in there, the feeling of my calf as I covered up and touched his calf was indescribeable. How wonderful does it feel to be SO SO SO freezing cold, and then have warmth radiate? Not many feelings compare. I love Fall.

Friday, October 05, 2007

Sweet shishies

I get "shishies" from Deana at Friday Night Fish Fry - isn't that what you call your sister (shishy)? Issa went to Janie's HORSE birthday party, complete with pony rides. She had a blast. Mae continues to get bigger; she is ~4 1/2 months old now! I'm still nursing and I absolutely love it. It is an incredible bond, and a miracle to think that she is only getting food which I produce! Not to mention it continues to help burn calories. And pish-posh on the theory that "breastfed babies don't sleep through the night b/c they want to nurse more"... mine is evidence that you too, can have a nursing baby sleeping through the night.

This weekend is John (Jacob's brother) and Elizabeth's couples/tools & gadgets shower at Karen Johnson's. It will be fun to see all of the family!

Potty training is coming along with Issa. Nothing wrong with a little candy bribe (two fun fruits if she goes - and I cut them in half so it's really one :)

Issa started with a fever last Saturday/Sunday/Monday/Tuesday - another child at her daycare had a viral infection so I didn't really wonder what hers was. Two nights ago she was up every 2 hours or so screaming - a trip to the pediatrician confirmed an ear infection. Poor girl. Happy Friday night everyone!!!
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How thankful am I

that the 2 year old and 4 month old are asleep in their own beds by 730? And that they don't even peep until 7? Seriously - there's something to be said for Ferberizing.

Wednesday, October 03, 2007

Date night

Can I say that the most wonderful thing in the entire world is date night? We started lining up a sitter to come down and sit with the girls while they sleep (they are down at 7!) and we go out to eat, or to Starbucks, or to a movie. It is the most wonderful thing to look forward to Wednesday to have incredible conversation and connection with a sweet hubby...

Monday, October 01, 2007

I was going to go to the gym...

but I ended up indulging in a FEW Ghiradelli Caramel Turtle Brownies. Stupid brownies. They are the perfect mix of gooey brownie and cakey brownie. AND tonight I made Barefoot Contessa's Penne with Five Cheeses, which is made with an entire TWO cups of heavy cream. It's like you are just watching the points in your cholesterol increase just by stirring it up. But my is it sinful...
I wouldn't just have a pan of brownies sitting around, but I was going to take a friend dinner who just had a baby, but I couldn't get in touch with her. Therefore I ended up with a pan of brownies. I mean, why would you throw them away and waste them? I'm not one to waste. :)
What a nice weekend together; we had a great time. Poor Issa had a fever/viral thing going on Sunday and today, but she seems to be perking up.