Sunday, November 30, 2008

What a fun holiday!

We had an amazing Thanksgiving this year, as always! It's always wonderful to spend time with the family that you are so thankful for, and remember all the incredible blessings in your life. With two small children, I am always reminded of our blessings - a strong marriage that we put ahead of our children, two girls that keep us laughing, parents who are so helpful and a joy to help raise our children, siblings that we love dearly and who love us just as much - our blessings are abundant, and we remember it every single day.

On Wednesday (I only had to work Tuesday last week, Jacob a 1/2 day), I enjoyed lunch with my 4 friends from UGA, and all of our children (11 altogether!). We had a great time catching up. Wednesday afternoon my brother, sister in law, and neice Katelyn got to town. We had a huge pasta dinner here at our house for dinner that night.
Thursday morning I ran my first half-marathon. Stephanie, a friend from high school, and I ran together. It was an incredible experience of setting a goal and achieving it. We ran a consistent 10 minute mile the entire way through the race, and at the end were Jacob, Issa, Mae, my parents, my brother, Rachel and Katelyn. It was exhilerating.
Then we headed home - we had a later Thanksgiving dinner, around 5 PM, so the kids could get in a good nap. Mom cooked an incredible turkey, with fresh herbs (dill, rosemary). It was incredible. The spread of food was more than the table could hold!
We enjoyed visiting together as a family, and then went to Stone Mountain to see the Christmas lights, although the lights were a bit more sparse than in years past.
Friday morning, Rachel, Mom and I headed out at 4:45 AM to go shopping! We got lots of presents for Christmas, and enjoyed the time together.
When we returned, Jacob and the girls and I packed up and headed to Birmingham, to spend time with his family for the holidays. We enjoyed our time with Nanny, Aunt Suney, Uncle Barney, Juju and Kyle, nana and big, Becky, Skeet/Nancy, the list goes on! The girls had a blast playing. We enjoyed keeping Katelyn on Saturday while my brother and Rachel went to the AU/AL game.
We had a wonderful Thanksgiving - giving lots of thanks for all of our blessings in life.

Monday, November 17, 2008

Sunday, November 16, 2008

Monday, October 20, 2008

Random Thoughts

1. So excited for some upcoming fun! This Saturday morning, Carly, Carina, and I are running in a Halloween 5K. It'll be fun to dress up. :) This Saturday NIGHT, Carly/Tom and Jacob/I are going to eat at a GREAT new restaurant near the Fox, Magnolia, and then going to see Wicked! I'm so psyched. I saw Wicked in Atlanta a couple of years back with my brother/sis-in-law, and can't wait to see it again! Sunday Issa's school class is singing at their church -we'll have fun taking her to the choir there on Sunday. Halloween is coming up! Our n'hood is having a parade, and both girls are going to be princesses.
2. Work is still great - I love working 3 days a week and spending 2 quality days with my girls. It allows me to balance home/work, which I am loving right now.
3. We'll get to go to the GA/AU game 11/15ish weekend - with Jacob's cousin/his wife, brent/rachel (sis-in-law/brother), and we'll leave thekiddos at thelakehouse - my parents are coming to stay there with the kiddies!
4. I'm about to go get my bread crumbs/parmesan breaded catfish off the grill - Mmmmmmm for fall roasted veggies too. I love grilling out in the fall!
Happy Fall Y'all!

Friday, October 10, 2008

The "Five" Tag

Courtesy of my cousin over at Speaking from the Heart:
Directions: name 5 in each category-
10 years ago-
1) I was in the first few months of my first job out of college, teaching at Henderson Mill Elementary.
2) I was living with dear friends Kathy and Kim over by Perimeter Mall in Atlanta.
3) I was only 23 years old!!!
4) I knew so much less than I know now, both about life and regarding education!
5) I was thinking about applying for my Master's Degree at Auburn.

5 Things on today's To-Do list
1) Stay away from Facebook.
2) Pack Jacob and I for a weekend away at the Auburn game.
3) Pack the cooler/food for the weekend
4) Finish laundry
5) Stay away from this computer! We're leaving at FOUR pm!

5 Snacks I love
1. Granny Smith apples
2. yogurt
3. Doritos
4. Mini rice cakes
5. Chocolate frozen yogurt

5 Things I'd do if I were a millionaire
1. Invest - for our kids' education and for our retirement
2. Get a new IPOD with tons more memory.
3. Buy a really really nice camera.
4. Landscape our backyard awesome.
5. Give lots to our families.

5 Places I've lived
1) Birmingham, AL
2) Athens, GA
3) Charlotte, NC
4) Tucker, GA
5) Auburn, AL

5 Jobs I've had
1) Lifeguard
2) SLP
3) Hostess @ Black Eyed Pea
4) Teacher
5) Graduate Research Assistant

5 people to tag
-if you're reading this, leave me a comment and I'll check you out!!!

Tuesday, September 30, 2008

sweet crybaby

Sweet girl - she was so tired and DONE with the camera. There's something so cute about that crying face though.

What a fun fall - I'm so thankful for the change of seasons. I love it! I've gotten into running lately again.

Jacob and I went to the AU/TN game last weekend with our friends Brandon and Carina. We had a blast - got tickets to the game, had fun tailgating, watched the game, and went to the lakehouse for a fun night afterwards.
We have a slow weekend this weekend - NICE. Issa has ballet on Saturday and we're hoping for more fall weather to work outside in the yard. Happy rest-o-the-week to you!

Thursday, September 18, 2008

Still here

We're still here - just been busy. Here's a few pictures. Jacob and I are looking forward to Poker Night tomorrow night and a weekend where we aren't jammed packed, which will be nice.

Friday, August 01, 2008

Summer 08 more

The one of us is datenight at Hibachi!

Fun with NanaSa in Hilton Head during 4th week!

A Post of Pictures

Tippy Tippy Tippy toes - she's walking! and she's off...
Playdate with our precious friends Whit, Miss "Kaffy", and Rex!
trying to decide if she wants to walk...
Happy girls in the summertime

Thursday, July 31, 2008

Friday, July 18, 2008

Poker Night tonight

Well, it's at our house tonight - I haven't won in forever so I hope I'm in for a fun night of lots of chips. :) We have a fun group of sweet friends coming over at 7 for dinner and drinks and cards - life is good.

Speaking of, I have truly begun to be very very thankful for everything in our lives. I have had a run of bad luck over the last several months (identity theft - purse stolen, car accident - kids not in car, broken air conditioner, broken dryer, flat tire, broken cell phoneS (plural - 2/3 were my fault though).

After analyzing all the "gremlins" (as my sis-in-law coined them) I realized that God was trying to tell me that I'm not thankful enough.
I have my/my husband's health.
I have a devoted and loving husband who was born to be an incredible daddy and husband.
I have two healthy girls.
I have siblings galore who are a huge part of our lives.
We have parents who are a big part of our (and our kids!) lives
I have a great relationship/friendship with my Mom.
We have lots of friends that we see often.

Life is indeed good.
Praise Him - life is good.

Thursday, July 17, 2008

Fun lake weekend

We had a blast at the lake last weekend with Carly and Tom and their new baby Luke! My camera is in the shop so I have no pictures from the past month or so, but Carly took this one last weekend. Poker Night is at our house tomorrow night (gasp - tomorrow) and this house is upside down! I am in shock that there are only 2 more weeks left of summer vacation, but have had such a wonderful summer with my girls.

Tuesday, June 10, 2008

Ode to Mr. Michael

Issa took Music Class for the first time last May, 2007.

Mr. Michael was her Music Class teacher. Since then, she's changed teachers. Ms. Berne' is her adored teacher now, but Mr. Michael holds a special place in her heart. Every time she hears Music Class music (it has special CDs for the classes), she says, "I miss Mr. Michael".

Last week, Mr. Michael performed at the Cobb County Public Library.

And we were there - front row. Issa had blast! My Dad (aka Pop Pop) came over from work to help hold/entertain Mae so I could play with Issa.

Thursday, June 05, 2008


In getting my blog refreshed for summer, why didn't anyone tell me to take off that awful rendition of "You Are My Sunshine"?

I thought it was neat the first time that I added it but MAN! After hearing it it's kind of rough. I put "random" on the songs so hopefully they'll switch up/change up better, too.

Tuesday, June 03, 2008

summer playdate

Annalise, Laura, and baby Ryan came over for an afternoon playdate and dip in the (plastic) pool this afternoon! The girls had the best time bringing toys to the pool, sliding, munching Goldfish, scrubbing the driveway (don't ask), and laughing! We hope to see you guys soon!

Saturday, May 31, 2008

before and after her 2nd haircut

Happy Birthday, baby Mae!

Our little sweet Mae-Mae turned one year old. She thoroughly enjoyed her strawberry cake, and her sister helped her blow out the candles. Mae, you have brought such joy and laughter to our little family. You always have a smile on your face and have such incredible passion - passion for the next meal, passion for loving on your sister, passion when a toy is taken from you, passion when giving hugs. We never ever imagined the possibility of loving so much- smooches, sweet Mae-girl!

Tuesday, May 20, 2008

how about that hair?

Long, long curls, just like her Aunt Juju

Downwind Fun!

This afternoon we took Yanina, our beloved Nanny/babysitter/"nurturer while I'm at work" to dinner before she had class. Jacob's parents and my parents met us there as well. We went to Downwind, which is at Peachtree DeKalb Airport - it's a kid friendly spot that has a HUGE playground and you can sit and watch the small planes take off/land. Both girls loved it, and we had a blast celebrating Yanina's help this year. She is a blessing, and will be missed this summer!

Sunday, May 18, 2008

Friday, May 16, 2008

Summer Fun soon!

Three more days of school: T/W/Th, and I'll be home with these girlies for the whole summer! How much fun in the sun will we have? Jacob's parents gave Issa that minitrampoline for Christmas and it is a HUGE hit! Both girls love playing on it - and Mae is such a daredevil! Issa twists/turns, hops on/off, it's a great outside play activity!

Tuesday, May 13, 2008

Happy 3rd birthday, Issa!

Sweet Issa turned three on Sunday, Mother's Day- what a fun day it was! My brother, sister-in-law, and neice came for the weekend, and we had a party at our house. Ms. Berne', Issa's Music Class teacher, came to sing songs for the kids, and we had a blast. She wanted a pink party, complete with strawberries, pink cake, and pink everything. She wore her pink dress and loved every minute of it. She had sweet friends from her class at school, some of our friends' kids came, and then some neighborhood kids came. The weather was beautiful and the kids had fun. After lots of cake and ice cream, we all crashed. And tossed the rest of the cake - I didn't want it sitting around here only to be eaten by US!

That night a tree crashed in our n'hood. The power went out around 6, and stayed out until 7 the next morning.

I have 5 more days of school left until summer break. It's hard to believe the year is over.

Mae's first birthday is next Friday - so fun!

Sunday, April 27, 2008

late in posting Easter pix, but whatever...

Who's been teething for 6 months and is almost a year old and still has NO teeth?

Issa and a totally unprompted photo of her loving a solo tulip that popped up Easter weekend!

Saturday, March 22, 2008

Could she be cuter?

My niece - how about those eyes? They remind me of my sweet Grandaddy's here.

Monday, March 17, 2008

stinking Katherine Hepburn

Stinking recipe for Katherine Hepburn brownies: why must you be so easy to make, and why must I lick the pans clean?

I cooked brownies for a friend, and of course they all didn't fit into the Gladware container. There were, of course, some leftover. Mmmmmm.. Gooey rich chocolate-ness.

Melt 2 squares of unsweetened chocolate + 1 stick of butter. Cook low, then remove from heat. Add 1 cup of sugar, 2 eggs, 1 t. vanilla, 1/4 cup flour (yes, they're almost torte-like), and 1/4 t. salt. Bake at 350 in an 8X8 pan for 25-30 minutes?

I frosted with this wonderful frosting - again, easy!
1/2 stick butter, softened + some powdered sugar, + some salt (1 t?), + ~3 T cocoa, + a bit of milk.
Add milk if too thick or more powdered sugar if too runny.

You will LOVE these - make them for your sweetie today!

Monday, March 03, 2008

9 months

Could you eat those toes? I tell you, they are precious. My teeny baby is not so teeny anymore! Issa turns 3 in May, and Mae turns 1 in May! Mae weaned herself last week. I still have some stored breastmilk frozen, but she.was.done. Didn't want to have any part of nursing anymore. I made it all the way to 9 months - it's probably a good thing too b/c I may have had a harder time weaning her (or me!) later.

Saturday, March 01, 2008

baby doll days!
And I don't want them to get any bigger!!!

Monday, February 25, 2008

one more favorite

For some reason blogger didn't upload this one. This is my talking almost-walking wonderneice Katelyn (with Mae on right).

Gatlinburg fun

We had a great vacation with my parents and my brother Brent/sister-in-law Rachel/neice sweetheart Katelyn. We rented a cabin in the woods that was HUGE and had a hot tub. We went clubbing at night (just kidding) - seriously we did lots and lots of hanging out and relaxing! Issa loved the hot bathtub!

Thursday, January 24, 2008

Love love love datenight

Jacob and I went to datenight last night at Olive Garden - it was wonderful! I mean, we constantly think to ourselves, "how wonderful is it that 1) our kids are such sleepers, and 2) that my parents are down the street and can come down for datenight EVERY Wednesday..."
Sure enough, at 7:15 PM, Mom/Dad come down and the girls are already asleep. Yes, they are. Asleep and we go to the old Olive Garden, which I dont' think I've been to since I went to homecoming in High school haha.
It was wonderful, and cheap too - dinners/drinks/dessert. I was thinking $60. It was $30. We'll be back. And the conversation, to just sit and talk and enjoy adult company and conversation was priceless.
I LOVE datenight.

Sunday, January 20, 2008

Rosie and Orvis customer service

I don't think I've yet blogged about our new dog, Rosie-
Rosie, the 1 1/2 year old pointer mix, joined our family shortly after Thanksgiving. My Mom was driving around on one of those busier neighborhood-type roads (~35 mph speed limit) and she was dodging traffic. Mom popped open the hatchback of her Jeep and Rosie jumped in.
Mom took her home and began researching no-kill shelters in the area. They were all packed. She took Rosie to the vet and she was severely underweight. Even though she had a collar, the vet/Mom decided not to seek out the owner b/c she was so underweight and was running in the streets. Within about a week's time, Rosie had gained 5 pounds and was looking happier and happier.
And she now had a name.
The pound was out of question. Who was going to adopt an insanely wild mix-dog? Albeit cute, but wild as an out of control pup.
Mom scheduled to have her spayed at a local not-for-profit vet that spays strays.
We continued searching. We took pictures of her and Mom circulated them among email friends. No takers.
She considered making a "donation" to a no-kill shelter in exchange for them taking her... no such luck.
Mom had an appt with PetSmart, and there was a friend's friend who thought *maybe* they could keep this adorable black/white wild Pointer mix.
And the more and more Jacob and I watched Rosie with Toby, and Rosie/Toby with Issa, we decided it was meant to be.
And so you have it. We now are a family of four plus two dogs, and they are so thankful to have a warm home. Toby, on the other hand, went from sleeping between 20-21 hours a day to always being prompted to play... always.
But they cuddle, and they are playmates. It is a good match for everyone, especially Rosie.

On to the next portion of this post. Orvis.
Mom got Toby/Rosie an XL touchchew bed for Christmas - a beautiful plaid red, with a huge fluffy down inside.
One night after we got it, Rosie had shredded it, almost like, "I dare you to put forth a guarantee of 'unchewable' to me"...
So off to Orvis I go.
No questions asked, I got a brand new liner and a brand new red plaid bed.
Consider forking over the extra funds for these beds; you won't be disappointed in the quality and customer service!

Tuesday, January 15, 2008

new camera

I officially lost my Nikon CoolPix - it is either:
1) in the trash can by mistake, or
2) in a very safe place in my house somewhere.

I just got an adorable Kodak Easyshare. I was about to upload an incredible picture. But the program doesn't yet throw the photos in my Pictures folder. Must research how to do that... when I have time... :)
Chilly day today! Night night,

Sunday, January 06, 2008

back online

Thanks to Sukru of Stargate Technologies, we are back online and working. He even cleaned up/hooked up my old Sony Vaio, so we now have two functional online computers.

I thought I'd leave you with an old picture, since I'm here on my old computer... :)
I think today we're going to get Issa's hair cut for the first time! BUT JUST A SNIP/TRIM DON'T YOU DREAM OF CUTTING MY BABY'S CURLY LOCKS OFF...

Tuesday, January 01, 2008

In dire need of

laptop repair. Been without for 2 weeks now - how did we function before computers??? ARGHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!!!!