Friday, April 27, 2007

How I met the huz

This post came about after reading Rollie's blog. I love reading hers - most days I get a good laugh, or some kind of emotion!
So I thought I would share the story of how Jacob and I met...
Jacob is two years younger than me - he's actually 2 weeks younger than my little brother. :) He and my little brother Brent lived together at Auburn University while attending college. I was at UGA but always knew Jacob. He and Brent were best friends, and did lots together on the weekends too. But I was always dating other guys, and knew him as "my little brother's" friend.
So I graduated UGA and taught for a year in DeKalb County Schools, and then was accepted to Auburn for graduate school. My first year at Auburn was Jacob's first year OUT of school. But Brent (following in his sister's footsteps) didn't finish college in the typical "four years".
So Jacob would come to visit Brent at school a good bit. And I was dating the "wrong" guy - the whole fam-damily didn't like him and looking back he wasn't right for me.
Jacob started hinting and asking me out - etc - but I was with that guy, and it wasn't the right timing.
The times changed though, and I broke up with the kid (and I say "kid" because he was). Jacob asked me out the following weekend.
Let me tell you: it was REALLY strange dating at first. But we really really really "clicked" at first, too. We had tons to talk about, and we had so much in common. Dating and hanging out was so exciting, and just comfortable. Jacob even ran it by Brent (I guess he kind of asked him?) to see if us dating was okay. And it was. Deep down I know that Brent knew that Jacob was a great guy - that's why they are still as good of friends as they are.
2+ years later, we got engaged. I can't imagine being happier. The stress of working, and bills, and just living is great, but I think we do a pretty good job together. We just work. And I can fully say that we'll be just as happy when our two girlies are getting married. He is a great friend, and a thoughtful husband. Family get-togethers are always truly fun. Brent is 30 on 5/11, and Jacob is 30 on 5/23, the same day as my C-section! Happy early Birthday, my favorite men!


Mamma Sarah said...

Hi there, was surfing out of boredom and your blog popped up. What a sweet story about you and hubby. Glad the bro put his stamp of approval on the realationship. :-D

Anonymous said...

Well that was nice...getting to know more about you! Martin is one of the few men I have dated that was older than me. Most tended to be a bit younger.

To answer your questions...I have done the answers somewhat before and don't go too deep into our past since people in the small town read my blog and I don't want to, well you know.

Rollie is from the original Dalmations movie...the little puppy that is always hungry. I don't know why Martin started calling me that. He actually has called me Bear for years (after a night of throwing up tequila in the cub position) but that didn't make the blog!
Toonces is from Toonces the driving cat from Saturday Night Live years ago. Google him was hilarious and my husband drives just like him...and favors him a bit! lol.

When I was young I was engaged at 18 before I graduated. I ended up going to a community college so I wouldn't leave and he wouldn't let me go away. I was so stupid then to think anyone "let" you do anything. I just wanted to avoid an argument. I didn't even want to be engaged but I was a bit afraid of him. I graduated from CC and went to work in an office.

I finally got away from my fiance and met Martin. He is 7 years older than me. So at 21 vs 29 it was a tough relationship. I hadn't been that free and wanted to go to clubs and hang out with all my girlfriends not wanting to miss out on anymore fun. He was ready to stay home on the weekends. We had a ton of passion but weren't ready to be what the other needed. I actually lived with him for 2 years. The only time I've ever lived with anyone until we were married.

He married a crazy girl about 9 months after we broke up. He was being named a Judge in VA and was getting into the adult settled role. I say crazy because she really did turn out to be a schizophrenic and their marriage ended quickly.

He married again...the girl he dated before me who had similar literature interests and they were...I don't know. I don't know why he married her. She only wanted to play a role pretty much and that marriage ended really really badly. She was actually in a wreck with a lover and is now paralyzed. So I never mention his past wives on my blog to be respectful.

We ran into each other at a party after her accident...hit it off. Was friends for months and then decided to date again. And here we are.
Where we were meant to be, we both agree with that. It is a shame I couldn't have been more mature before but I think we'd have killed each other!

Things happen as they should sometimes but most would agree we are meant for each other.

Anonymous said...

I forgot to say that I moved to a 4 year college when Martin and I started dating since I really wanted a 4 year degree and that didn't help our relationship at all.

NaeNae said...

What a sweet story! Sometimes, love creeps up on you unexpectedly.

Kelly in NC said...

I enjoyed reading the story of how you met. Very sweet...and how awesome. I mean you already knew that your family would like him! How awesom is that? Well only a few more week and the little one will be here! Looking forward to hearing the good news! You must be about to POP!