Sunday, October 29, 2006

Family Fun

We have done lots of yardwork this weekend. Issa loves to help by getting a dustpan and trying to scoop the leaves into the bag. She also loves watching Jacob with the yard tools. We had a great time at our Bar Mitzvah; we danced and ate. It was a beautiful venue for a great celebration! Today has been a lazy one; because of the "fall back", Issa fell asleep this AM. She's in there jumping in the crib now... probably won't take an afternoon nap!
My Mom's back at Northside. She's been having more intestinal issues. More tests tomorrow should reveal the problem and I hope she comes home soon!

Friday, October 27, 2006

Happy Bar Mitzvah, Benjamin!

We get to go to Benjamin's Bar Mitzvah tomorrow! He is being called to the Torah tomorrow morning, and there is a luncheon at the synagogue after that. Then tomorrow night, the reception is at the Georgia Aquarium! We'll be doing some pretty sweet dance moves - it'll be such a fun celebration for a special friend! Pics to follow,

Thursday, October 26, 2006

We had a great weekend last weekend. We were rather lazy and enjoyed hugging on Issa. She is getting so big - always wanting to be outside. She'll go to the door and reach up and say, "ouf!, mease!" (that's her "please"). Work is still going okay. I am still working out of the library, with no office/computer/materials. It is so frustrating. At some point I'm supposed to get a trailer, whenever that happens. I ask myself always why I didn't accept the job that was offered in Gwinnett. The drive is the reason - takes me 5 minutes to get to work.
Jacob's parents brought Issa a UGA cheerleader's outfit this week. It is adorable! She is too big these days. 17 months - where does it go???

Friday, October 06, 2006

How I love Fridays

Is there any better feeling than Friday at around 5 PM?
I never found my camera. Oh well.
I'm buying my friend's digital camera; Greer is ready for a bigger and nicer Nikon, so I'm buying her nice Nikon camera.
At least I'll be able to take pix soon. I've been using regular old film lately with my OLD camera, and it feels so ancient.
We are around this weekend. Tomorrow is my school's Fall Festival, so there'll be lots for Issa to do, but beyond that, we are just relaxing and watching football. Go Dawgs!