Friday, July 13, 2007

Beach Babe

Issa loved the ocean; LOVED it. We had such a nice vacation. Jacob's parents rented an incredible condo with a gorgeous view of the ocean, and a kiddie-friendly pool/playground within walking distance! Mornings we were at the pool and afternoons were spent at the ocean. She ran and jumped and dug and played her little heart out. JULIE and KYLE got engaged while there, and Jacob's brother JOHN and his girlfriend ELIZABETH also got engaged before we left! There will be lots of wedding fun this year! It is nice to be home, but we both agreed we're ready for another week vacation at the beach! Greer and I got together to celebrate my birthday last night. We went to the cutest Mexican restaurant in Decatur and talked, talked, talked over margaritas. SO fun. Jacob has been in Orlando for work. Orlando. Sunny Orlando. :) He got home late last night so we're glad to have him back! And by the way there is the most GORGEOUS arrangement of pink and purple flowers - I wish I knew more about what they are but the arrangement is stunning. That and a Spa Sydell certificate! Sweet huz-


Speaking from the Heart said...

How's motherhood? Didn't you just turn a year older? Somehow, I got July 10 stuck in my head. As I recall, you are 11 years younger than me. That makes you 21. correct?

Lennie said...

Happy belated birthday!

Also, Issa's swimsuit is too cute, but that pic makes me want to see what the front looks like too!