Friday, October 12, 2007

Going from freezing cold to warm

We had a blast singing and dancing to Mr. Michael last night! He sang and played the guitar at the Decatur Library last night. Issa had a ball.
It was FREEZING outside (performance was inside) - just walking to the library and to the car again and doing the Groundhog Day matters that I do EVERY night of my life made me so so so chilly.

But as I snuggled into bed last night, and jacob was already in there, the feeling of my calf as I covered up and touched his calf was indescribeable. How wonderful does it feel to be SO SO SO freezing cold, and then have warmth radiate? Not many feelings compare. I love Fall.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I do like that quick feeling of warmth. We have just this week started getting cool at night here.