Friday, April 27, 2007

How I met the huz

This post came about after reading Rollie's blog. I love reading hers - most days I get a good laugh, or some kind of emotion!
So I thought I would share the story of how Jacob and I met...
Jacob is two years younger than me - he's actually 2 weeks younger than my little brother. :) He and my little brother Brent lived together at Auburn University while attending college. I was at UGA but always knew Jacob. He and Brent were best friends, and did lots together on the weekends too. But I was always dating other guys, and knew him as "my little brother's" friend.
So I graduated UGA and taught for a year in DeKalb County Schools, and then was accepted to Auburn for graduate school. My first year at Auburn was Jacob's first year OUT of school. But Brent (following in his sister's footsteps) didn't finish college in the typical "four years".
So Jacob would come to visit Brent at school a good bit. And I was dating the "wrong" guy - the whole fam-damily didn't like him and looking back he wasn't right for me.
Jacob started hinting and asking me out - etc - but I was with that guy, and it wasn't the right timing.
The times changed though, and I broke up with the kid (and I say "kid" because he was). Jacob asked me out the following weekend.
Let me tell you: it was REALLY strange dating at first. But we really really really "clicked" at first, too. We had tons to talk about, and we had so much in common. Dating and hanging out was so exciting, and just comfortable. Jacob even ran it by Brent (I guess he kind of asked him?) to see if us dating was okay. And it was. Deep down I know that Brent knew that Jacob was a great guy - that's why they are still as good of friends as they are.
2+ years later, we got engaged. I can't imagine being happier. The stress of working, and bills, and just living is great, but I think we do a pretty good job together. We just work. And I can fully say that we'll be just as happy when our two girlies are getting married. He is a great friend, and a thoughtful husband. Family get-togethers are always truly fun. Brent is 30 on 5/11, and Jacob is 30 on 5/23, the same day as my C-section! Happy early Birthday, my favorite men!

Thursday, April 19, 2007

Fun Easter

What a fun Easter we had. It was a beautiful, but cold, day. We enjoyed the Easter fun in the morning with Issa, then headed to church for a beautiful service. Then we came home for a big lunch with both grandparents at our house. I didn't even cook much at all - everyone brought so much food! Issa had a ball.

The lake was beautiful. It was cool and quiet, just the three of us. It was nice not having anything to do!

We are headed to Birmingham tomorrow to welcome our first neice into the world! My brother and his wife will have their baby girl tomorrow. Katelyn Lane... how sweet!

Issa stays here, and her Nanna and Big are going to pick her up at Miss Leah's house, and will keep her here until we come back tomorrow night.

Our dog Cassie has begun peeing either Issa's room or the soon-to-be nursery (should be read "empty room that finally has color in it but no furniture") when we are paying attention to Issa! It's terrible. After LOTS of testing at the vet, it's NOT an illness (UTI, thyroid probs, etc), and it's behavioral. The vet recommended behavioral therapy. I am having a hard time trying to convince Jacob that it's a good idea... :)

Happy weekend!