Friday, July 18, 2008

Poker Night tonight

Well, it's at our house tonight - I haven't won in forever so I hope I'm in for a fun night of lots of chips. :) We have a fun group of sweet friends coming over at 7 for dinner and drinks and cards - life is good.

Speaking of, I have truly begun to be very very thankful for everything in our lives. I have had a run of bad luck over the last several months (identity theft - purse stolen, car accident - kids not in car, broken air conditioner, broken dryer, flat tire, broken cell phoneS (plural - 2/3 were my fault though).

After analyzing all the "gremlins" (as my sis-in-law coined them) I realized that God was trying to tell me that I'm not thankful enough.
I have my/my husband's health.
I have a devoted and loving husband who was born to be an incredible daddy and husband.
I have two healthy girls.
I have siblings galore who are a huge part of our lives.
We have parents who are a big part of our (and our kids!) lives
I have a great relationship/friendship with my Mom.
We have lots of friends that we see often.

Life is indeed good.
Praise Him - life is good.


Deana said...

I am always reminded when I hear of a friend or child with cancer or an awful illness that yes the little problems we encounter are really nothing and if we take them as they are, just obstacles that we shouldn't get so upset about, that yes we do learn to be more thankful.

I am so thankful for all the blessings I've had in my life. I don't know why I've been so blessed with love and family and good things but I really do thank God for being there for me and loving me and seeing me through all those bad years in my life.

Carrie said...

Isn't it funny how perspective changes over time? I also am trying to retrain my brain.. I used to waste a lot of time worrying about things that I could not change.

By the way, I usually don't blog browse. lol. but glad I did today!! Hope everyone is doing well and maybe we'll get to see ya soon!

Kelly in NC said...

Sometimes we all need a reminder to get over our personal pitty parties. I was just throwing myself one- about having to go back to work already. Thanks for helping me get over it!