Monday, March 03, 2008

9 months

Could you eat those toes? I tell you, they are precious. My teeny baby is not so teeny anymore! Issa turns 3 in May, and Mae turns 1 in May! Mae weaned herself last week. I still have some stored breastmilk frozen, but she.was.done. Didn't want to have any part of nursing anymore. I made it all the way to 9 months - it's probably a good thing too b/c I may have had a harder time weaning her (or me!) later.


Kelly in NC said...

Grayson is 22 months and still lets me pretend to eat his toes! I LOVE baby feet and yes Mae's look delicious.

She's getting so big!

Speaking from the Heart said...

She getting to be a big girl. I miss those baby days. My older baby Mark is going to be 13 in April, and my younger baby Katherine is going to 11 in October. Where did the time go?

When Mark and Katherine were babies, I sang "You are my Sunshine" to them at bedtime.

Have a wonderful week.


The Hiatt Family said...

oh, we miss y'all being across the street!

Deana said...

There are few things as sweet as baby feet...just fat and cuddly and I always want to bite them!