Friday, October 10, 2008

The "Five" Tag

Courtesy of my cousin over at Speaking from the Heart:
Directions: name 5 in each category-
10 years ago-
1) I was in the first few months of my first job out of college, teaching at Henderson Mill Elementary.
2) I was living with dear friends Kathy and Kim over by Perimeter Mall in Atlanta.
3) I was only 23 years old!!!
4) I knew so much less than I know now, both about life and regarding education!
5) I was thinking about applying for my Master's Degree at Auburn.

5 Things on today's To-Do list
1) Stay away from Facebook.
2) Pack Jacob and I for a weekend away at the Auburn game.
3) Pack the cooler/food for the weekend
4) Finish laundry
5) Stay away from this computer! We're leaving at FOUR pm!

5 Snacks I love
1. Granny Smith apples
2. yogurt
3. Doritos
4. Mini rice cakes
5. Chocolate frozen yogurt

5 Things I'd do if I were a millionaire
1. Invest - for our kids' education and for our retirement
2. Get a new IPOD with tons more memory.
3. Buy a really really nice camera.
4. Landscape our backyard awesome.
5. Give lots to our families.

5 Places I've lived
1) Birmingham, AL
2) Athens, GA
3) Charlotte, NC
4) Tucker, GA
5) Auburn, AL

5 Jobs I've had
1) Lifeguard
2) SLP
3) Hostess @ Black Eyed Pea
4) Teacher
5) Graduate Research Assistant

5 people to tag
-if you're reading this, leave me a comment and I'll check you out!!!

1 comment:

soapbox.SUPERSTAR said...

Regarding these two:
2. Get a new IPOD with tons more memory.
3. Buy a really really nice camera.

- Don't wait till you are a millionare - music is the soundtrack to your life and good pictures are worth it to capture memoried. Those are the two things I could not live without. My iPod and my Nikon!!! :)