Thursday, September 07, 2006

Bad to Worse

Well, my job is going well - great in fact. I love the hours, and my school is so cute, and everything about it is great. I am indeed in a classroom. But it is an EMPTY classroom. So it's mine. And I have a computer, and materials too. I'm so thankful for it all.
Daycare, on the other hand, is miserable. There are loads of green-snotty-nosed kids running around her daycare and two workers that are always cleaning/talking/whatever. And that's when I see them. So my Mom has been getting her ~20 minutes after we drop her off to stay at home with her. Jacob and I interviewed 2 at-home daycares near my school that keep teacher's kids. Lots of praying to be had. We loved them both, but it's such a commitment.
Happy 60th birthday Dad, to the best Dad in the world. I have so many incredible memories as a child and growing up - Jacob and I strive to raise our daughter just as you and Mom have raised Brent and me!
Tomorrow my brother and his (expecting BTW) wife :) are coming to Atlanta for dinner. My Mom's getting steaks from Shield's butcher (yum) and we're grilling out there to celebrate the big day. What a fun weekend! TGTomorrow'sF!

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