Thursday, March 23, 2006

Baby Boot Camp

Issa's Uncle Justin came up for the weekend last weekend - how much do those brothers look alike? She had a blast with him, and this is one of my favorite pictures of all.
Jacob has been out of town and/or working late most of this past week, so my Mom came up from Atlanta to help out at home and with Issa. Issa just *adores* her, so it's so fun for her to spend time with my Mom. Well, Issa has been doing lots of "night wakings" lately, where she either wants her passy, or just wants to be rocked back to sleep. With a winter full of ear infections, we have been doing it! We've stayed away from feeding her, not to start bad habits (10 months now - almost 11 months). Well after a few nights, my Mom took her to Eastover yesterday morning - we were convinced it was a new ear infection...
NOTHING. Clear ears and chest - no teeth coming in (NONE so far!)
We decided to start the "extinction" method via "Healthy Sleep Habits, Happy Child" by Dr. Weisenbluth (sp?) during the night. It hasn't been *so* bad the past couple of nights but is taking longer than I thought. Me and Nick at Night are starting to form a relationship at 2 AM. The Cosby Show, etc. It makes for a fun next morning at around 10 AM when I am working on a kid's "R" sound and flipping cards... :)
I hope that it doesn't last long. I am going to Atlanta for the WHOLE week - spring break - and can't wait to see old friends!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Man, I have so much to look forward to! Enjoy your spring break...mine is just about over. Of course I only have a few more weeks until I go out on Maternity leave, so returning to work on Monday really doesn't seem that bad!