Tuesday, August 01, 2006

Moving Day

I wish you could see my house right now. There are boxes and tape and Sharpie markers and cups and plants and random wrappers... it's nuts! But there are also 4 very nice men from Armstrong Relocation wrapping away, and carefully placing china into sturdy boxes. Issa is at home with my family, and we miss her to pieces. We'll get to see her tomorrow though. We are excited to have our new house. We closed yesterday on our house in ATL, and we get possession on Thursday night. That's when the fun starts: paint - Friday, Saturday, Sunday. Hardwoods - Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday. Move in - next weekend (8/12ish) So wow - I'll be off Internet until 8/11, and then my email address will change. There's lots going on! Issa is now walking everywhere, and getting into everything. I've applied for a job at the DeKalb county school system, and hopefully I'll be working 4 days a week. One extra day with little miss would be HEAVEN! Dear baby, we miss you terribly, and we can't wait to see you tomorrow! Hugs! Love, Mommy


Anonymous said...

I'll be waiting on your next post on August 12...until then, try to enjoy the move. I know that it is alot of work...but it will be worth it in the end. Miss ya lots in NC! :-(

NaeNae said...

Good luck with your move!