Tuesday, April 18, 2006

6 Random Things

I was "tagged" by NaeNae. I don't know how to make my blog more fancy, but NaeNae, yours sure is. I need a "Blogging for Dummies" to find out how to make a "link" so it's fancy-schmancy. Anyway, here goes:
1. I LOVE pop music. Kiss 95.1 is my favorite, and I can jam to the BEPs.
2. I love to read.
3. I can polish off an entire bag of Guacamole Doritos if I have a Miller Lite to polish them off with.
4. I really really really want to get a miniature schnauzer puppy.
5. I love my job. I work for CMS as a speech therapist and if all the stars line up, I'll be working for CMS when I retire with 30 years in. I truly have chosen a profession that I love.
6. I drive a 1999 Mazda 626 - it's my husband's former car. Before that, I had a Honda Accord that I drove for 10 years and it was my favorite car.
7. (I know it's really 6 random things but I had another random thought) Issa did not take ANY nap today. She woke up at 6 and when I picked her up at church at FOUR, that 11-month-old baby was wild-eyed and hadn't napped! She's already down for the night - has been since 545!

By the way, my smart and witty and charming hubbie made a B on his final and got a B in this class! Way to go, baby!

Now that I have completed this post, I get to tag someone else. Here are the rules:1--If you are tagged, you have to post six things about yourself on your site.2--Then you should leave a comment on my site to let me know that you have posted.3--You can then tag more people. To tag, just leave them a comment to let them know they are IT!

1. The Lathams
2. Very Mom
3. One Woman's World
4. Life in Mayberry
5. Gator Constructor


NaeNae said...

I can't take credit for the "look" of my blog. My good friend Misty (soapbox.SUPERSTAR) created it for me. She rocks!

Anonymous said...

ok. i have been waiting patiently for a blog update. what's going on? it has been a month and a half...and you should be out for the summer now. what gives?