Wednesday, November 21, 2007

Beautiful beach wedding

The wedding was just perfect! It was cool, and seagulls flew above. It was breathtaking - two people in love, marrying on the beach. Elizabeth looked like a princess, and John and all of the groomsmen looked so handsome! The rehearsal dinner was so fun! It literally made me tear up when we were pulling into the nature preserve, being lit by candlelit Mason jars. Everything was gorgeous!
I love this picture - how the rehearsal is going on and Issa is oblivious, running around on the sand.

Issa did fantastic as a flower girl. She loved the attention, and was very well-behaved. Jacob and I danced the night away. It was so fun hanging out with Brent and Rachel, and all of our family. Mom and Dad watched all the babies so we could stay out late and enjoy!

And here we are - it's Thanksgiving! I feel like there are so many times that I just tear up and give thanks while I am watching Issa run around, or while I am nursing Mae. It is seriously amazing to think of the many blessings we have.
And so, for:

-a wonderful hard-working husband who was BORN to be a daddy
-two healthy and happy daughters who keep me smiling all day
- a house with anything we need inside of it
- family living in Atlanta that we can see whenever we want
- brothers and sisters who would do anything for us. Anything.
- two sets of parents who have been married for 25+ years and who demonstrate what it means to have a strong marriage
- two sweet dogs who love the girls (later post about how we now have Rosie, the stray!)
- two good jobs and the ability to work
- planning enough so that we are able to let me stay home two days a week with the girls


Speaking from the Heart said...

Awesome Blog !!!

Kelly in NC said...

Sounds as if things have been pretty busy for you too! Wish I had been at the beach. Looks like it was a great trip!

Anonymous said...

Those were great things to be thankful for! I love the wedding shot.

Lynn said...

And you guys deserve these blessings! You made them happen. We have so much to be thankful for too. Mostly, two happy healthy secure children. What a great country we live in. We all just have to keep on making it better. This is such a great way to keep up with you all. What a great blog. This would make your Grandfather Bethard and Uncle Ronnie so happy to see how we all communicate. Love, Aunt Lynn in Birmingham

benilhalk said...

Will be attending my friend’s beach wedding. After wedding a grand reception party will be held at one of New York wedding venues. Have purchased a new dress for the event from online. It is really beautiful and suits me. Want to look my best that day.