Sunday, December 17, 2006

Busy as bees

We have been busy, busy, busy! We are hosting a holiday drop-in at the house next Saturday, so we are busy getting last-minute decorations and food-planning complete. Jacob's parents came yesterday to help babysit Issa while we went to Leah's son's funeral. Our dear-to-our-heart babysitter's son was in a tragic accident on Monday in Athens. He was a wonderful husband and son - only 26 years old. Please keep her in your prayers. We have been getting Christmas together for everyone too. Issa's big "present" is her big-girl-bed! She's only 18 months, and doesn't quite "get" Santa, etc. So we are using this Christmas to get her a daybed/trundle bed! We're excited. My Mom got her the bedding, which is slowly coming in. I think it's all pretty cute! Any thoughts on transitioning a toddler or ideas to make it better? Here's a picture of the Gunn's from Thanksgiving.


Anonymous said...

I love the bed and hope that Issa does too! No ideas for the bed transition. I'll have to leave that to parents who have been through it before... maybe you could lay in it with her as she falls asleep??? Or maybe that isn't such a great idea. WHo knows. Anyhow, hope you have a wonderful Christmas!

NaeNae said...

Good luck on the transitioning thing! As Kelly mentioned in the previous comment, we had to lay in the bed with Kellynn until she fell asleep. I wish I had a better suggestion. Sorry. Have a Merry Christmas!

Anonymous said...

Hi Mandy - I worked with Jacob back here in the Carolinas (I'm the Raleigh girl!) We transitioned our son earlier this year, and what we did was totally remove a side off his crib for a few nights and had him sleep that way (to get used to not falling out). Then we took the crib down, and had him sleep on his crib mattress on the floor for the next few nights, to get used to the freedom. Next, the bed came and he went right in it - we did his big sham pillows on the floor the first week in case he fell out. Good luck - the bed you picked is adorable...thank god for Pottery Barn Kids!

Anonymous said...

Well I agree with all of the above - I have not yet had the experience as a parent, but have watched and helped with MANY kids, unfortunately, laying with them for a while is the best bet. There are also some great films out there that help - I know my niece used to watch one that just showed a bunch of animals napping, or getting ready to nap and that put her right to sleep.