Tuesday, September 30, 2008

sweet crybaby

Sweet girl - she was so tired and DONE with the camera. There's something so cute about that crying face though.

What a fun fall - I'm so thankful for the change of seasons. I love it! I've gotten into running lately again.

Jacob and I went to the AU/TN game last weekend with our friends Brandon and Carina. We had a blast - got tickets to the game, had fun tailgating, watched the game, and went to the lakehouse for a fun night afterwards.
We have a slow weekend this weekend - NICE. Issa has ballet on Saturday and we're hoping for more fall weather to work outside in the yard. Happy rest-o-the-week to you!

Thursday, September 18, 2008

Still here

We're still here - just been busy. Here's a few pictures. Jacob and I are looking forward to Poker Night tomorrow night and a weekend where we aren't jammed packed, which will be nice.